Popular plugins

AK Hints (action keys)

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Provides a hint as to which Action Key is active.

Download Indicator

By Nsgr(Trusted developer)

A user-friendly overview of what's going on in the background while you are playing!

Advanced Free Block Mode

By schl3ck

A utility tool to place blocks pixel perfect in the free block mode in any possible rotation.

Menu Background Chooser

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Allows modifying the main menu's background. Custom URLs, any of the 4 times of day (morning, day, evening, and night) and other game files, TMX monthly backgrounds, Better Loading Screen collection.

Map Validator

By Beu(Trusted developer)

A simple plugin to validate a map with the author time you want

Better TOTD

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

TOTD Browser with your Medals and PB info

Ranked Total Points

By Zurite

Shows every players total score in Matchmaking/Ranked

Drive Alone (No Ghost Selection)

By xPaw

Automatically click "Drive Alone" when loading a map in Solo to avoid selecting a ghost to race against.

Editor Trails

By Miss(Trusted developer)

Display trails in the editor after test driving your track.

PlayerState Info

By thommie

This plugin gives you easy access to the player's current state, whether they're in countdown, driving, just finished or passed a new checkpoint. No need to get this info every time yourself anymore!

Lightmap Quality

By Beu(Trusted developer)

Manage the quality of the light map block by block

Unintrusive Checkpoint Timer

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Moves the checkpoint timer up 21.5 units so that it is less intrusive