Recently updated plugins

Nosebug Helper

By msimonsson7

Overlay that shows how vertical your car is.


By Phlarx(Trusted developer)

Reveal the thousandths in Turbo and Maniaplanet!

ManiaExchange Button

By Nsgr(Trusted developer)

Get a button to view the current map on MX!

Pitch Music Modifier

By Sapi

Give you the opportunity to change the pitch of the music at any time


By fentras LABS

Enhance in-game screenshot feature and enable custom resolutions, 360 panoramas and more.


By fentras LABS

Create virtual borders around the screen to imitate arbitrary resolutions or reduce distractions.

Favourite Servers

By Xandaros

Mark servers as favourites and gain easy access to them from the main menu

COTD Delta time

By thommie

Imagine having the freedom to hide all the distracting UI and still know how much you're ahead of the KO zone in COTD. Or how much you need to gain to get out of the KO zone (though you'd probably rather not imagine this).

Distance counter

By Greep(Trusted developer)

Displays the number of meters or kilometers of your car since the start of the race, Trackmania² feeling.

Replay Recorder

By Greep(Trusted developer)

Saves automatically a replay file each time you cross the finish line

TMGL Match Viewer

By Miss(Trusted developer)

View all active TMGL matches in real time!

Thumbnail Preview

By Miss(Trusted developer)

Show a preview of what a map's thumbnail will look like in-game.