Recently updated plugins

Refresh Local Scripts

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Small developer utility (for ManiaScript devs) to reload local scripts that you modify while the game is open.

Mod Disabler

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Prevents map texture mods from loading

Auto-Hide Records

By Dr Damage

Hides the records UI when moving

MLHook: Manialink Hook & Event Inspector

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Facilitates cross-communication between Manialink code and Angelscript code. Allows creating and reacting to ML Events, sending Custom Events. Includes a demo and ML Event Inspector.

Join a Friend

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Lets you share server manialinks to join a friend's server

No-Respawn Timer

By AnfR82

Helps to know the time you can get with a perfect run (without respawn)

Download Map

By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Saves the current map to your "Downloaded" folder


By RuteNL(Trusted developer)

Access items and sets from ItemExchange in game, and import them into the editor without having to restart the game!

Data Gatherer for Reinforcement Learning

By Palamabron

Plugin for sending state information to a socket for reinforcement learning. (tmrl)

Color Picker

By skybaks

GUI to generate color codes for text

Holiday Lights

By jeFFeSS

Decorate your Trackmania window with colorful holiday lights! They even move when your car moves!

Current Map

By racacax

Share and display the current map you are playing with other players.