Recently updated plugins

Ultrawide UI Fix

By Dan_VQ

Fixes the in-game UI for aspect ratios wider than 16:9 by moving UI elements back to the edge of the screen.

Better Camera Bindings

By Hydrophob

This plugin allows you to create custom bindings for cam1, cam2, cam3 and backwards cam.

COTD Qualification Grapher

By sergeant-bigbird

See Full Qualification Data for Every COTD!

Hide Letterboxing

By chips(Trusted developer)

Hide Letterboxing (black bars during replay/ghost)

Menu Background Chooser

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Allows modifying the main menu's background. Custom URLs, any of the 4 times of day (morning, day, evening, and night) and other game files, TMX monthly backgrounds, Better Loading Screen collection.

TMWT Interfaces Remover

By Beu(Trusted developer)

Plugin to remove Live Ranking and/or Teams Scores when playing

Quick Link Opener

By Beu(Trusted developer)

It's just to open links maniaplanet:// quickly


By Beu(Trusted developer)

Find Blocks & Items placed at the same position

Auto-cancel Downloads

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Auto-cancels map downloads for you (by default just car skins; so map mods still load).

Rebind Master+

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Adds an Openplanet menu to allow unbinding and rebinding quickly, reliably, and safely.

Download Indicator

By Nsgr(Trusted developer)

A user-friendly overview of what's going on in the background while you are playing!