Recently updated plugins

Blocks & Items Counter

By Beu(Trusted developer)

Count all blocks and items and display their size


By Greep(Trusted developer)

A speedometer for Trackmania, with different themes

Hats for TM2020

By sergeant-bigbird

Nadeo hasn't added hats yet 😤 decided to take matters into my own hands

Twitch Plays

By Nsgr(Trusted developer)

Let your Twitch chat play Trackmania tracks for you!

Plugin Hotkeys

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Toggle, enable, and disable plugins or groups of plugins with customizable hotkeys.


By Ezio(Trusted developer)

Small collection of tools

Too Many Players

By snixtho(Trusted developer)

Quickly find players to spectate. Very useful for casting! No more scrolling in a fast moving leaderboard!

Map Manager

By JustSmile1234

Managing your maps in which you ever played.

Shadowless Chrono

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Disables the chrono's shadow

No BlockHelper Background

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Removes the background behind the 'turbo', 'engine off', 'reset', etc, messages.

Rescale Pause Menu

By XertroV(Trusted developer)

Rescales the pause menu for ppl who sit too close to their screens.

Ultrawide UI Fix

By Dan_VQ

Fixes the in-game UI for aspect ratios wider than 16:9 by moving UI elements back to the edge of the screen.