By XertroV
Records vehicle coordinates, orientation, steering, etc each frame. Results are saved automatically when recording is stopped.
Autosave Replays for MediaTracker
By XertroV
This plugin autosaves replays at suitable times, e.g., the end of a Time Attack session, or after each round in a KO match. Thus, it's possible to save a viewable replay of each round of a COTD KO match if you want, for example.
By JailMan
Always enables mixmapping when opening the track editor in ManiaPlanet, even after leaving the map!
By Phlarx
Checkpoint Counter, it counts your checkpoints. For TM2020, Turbo, and MP4.
Autosave Ghosts (Playable Replays; works online)
By XertroV
Save the ghost of every run you finish, even online. Generates playable replays.